Oct 6, 2010 | Folly Beach, Market Statistics
It remains a good time to buy real estate on Folly Beach. Prices remain low while demand is increasing and returning to normal levels. 5 homes sold in September on Folly Beach, bringing the total sold in 2010 to 76. Compare that to 2009 where 63 sold and we can see...
Aug 11, 2010 | Folly Beach, Market Statistics, Real Estate
Momentum is going strong for Folly Beach real estate. Many Folly Beach homes and condominiums are trading hands while people take advantage of low prices and low interest rates. The pace of existing home sales has quickened and is returning to normal levels. Below is...
Jul 19, 2010 | Folly Beach, Market Statistics, Real Estate
Folly Beach Real Estate is back in demand! This has been a good year for buying oceanfront and island homes, and people are taking advantage. 8 properties sold in June 2010 bringing the total sold through half of 2010 to 50. Folly Beach sold 59 in all of last year. ...
Jun 21, 2010 | Agents, Folly Beach, Market Statistics, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers
Are you interested in Folly Beach, SC oceanfront real estate, including homes, lots, and condos? Below is a market update to keep you current on what is happening here on the beach. Number of oceanfront sales by year: Year # home sales # condo sales Total...
Jun 15, 2010 | Folly Beach, Market Statistics, Real Estate
WOW! What a month! 13 properties sold during May 2010 on Folly Beach bringing the total year to date to 40. This pace is what we are used to on Folly. Have we reached a bottom? I would hesitate to call a bottom, but maybe call it a stabilization. ...