May 15, 2012 | Folly Beach, Historic Charleston, Isle of Palms, James Island, Johns Island, Kiawah Island, Market Statistics, Mt. Pleasant, Real Estate, Seabrook Island, Sullivan's Island, Trends, Wild Dunes
Market Reports Residential Real Estate Sales Volume Continues Growth; Prices Follow Suit Inventory Continues Decline; Nears 6k Mark CHARLESTON, SC—(May 11, 2012) According to preliminary data released today by the Charleston Trident Association of REALTORS® (CTAR),...
Oct 15, 2010 | Real Estate, Tips for Sellers
6 Reasons to Reduce Your Home Price While you’d like to get the best price for your home, consider our six reasons to reduce your home price. Read Visit for more articles like this. Copyright 2010 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®
Sep 7, 2010 | Historic Charleston, Market Statistics, Real Estate
August at a Glimpse There were 16 residential closings for $11.7 million in Charleston inside the Crosstown in August, 2010 versus 23 for $12.9 million last August. Year to Date YTD there have been 187 closings for $143.9 million versus 145 closings for $120.3 million...
Aug 31, 2010 | Folly Beach, Historic Charleston, Isle of Palms, James Island, Kiawah Island, Mt. Pleasant, News, Real Estate, Seabrook Island, Sullivan's Island, Summerville, The Best of the Lowcountry, The Real Estate Studio, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Trends, Wild Dunes
Mortgage loan interest rates are one of the key drivers in the real estate industry. In today’s economy, Freddie Mac is reporting 30-year fixed rates at historic lows over the last few weeks (or is that months?). What does this mean to you? 1.) If you’re...