The Real Estate Studio is excited to welcome a unique show with portraits and abstracts by Michelle Meek Jones. The show, titled “Scintilla: little sparks; a glittering particle” is an exploration of the sparkle and flash beneath the curves and angles of our living beings. Spray paint, oils and iridescent pigments are used to create abstractions of life. A belief in all that glitters really could be gold is necessary.
The show will be on display from April 23 – June 3, and will be split into two parts. Jones will display her portraits through May 8 and replace them with her abstracts beginning May 9 for the remainder of the show.
Michelle graduated from Baylor University where she studied Studio Art and received a degree in Psychology. She moved to the Lowcountry in 2005 and has been a working artist here ever since.
After working as an event designer and overseeing installations from concept to creation, Jones focused solely on portrait commissions and currently has her work in over one hundred private collections throughout the United States.
Currently, Michelle Jones is using her studies in portraiture as a referencing point for large scale abstract paintings and installations. Using combinations of spray paint, iridescent pigments, and oil paint, Jones is enthralled with the abstraction process and outcomes.
The show will be on exhibit at The Real Estate Studio April 23, 2014 – June 3, 2014 with an Artist Reception on Friday, May 9th from 6:00 – 9:00pm with abstracts on display. Wine and light hors d’oeuvres will be served.