Feb 11, 2010 | Agents, Market Statistics, Mt. Pleasant, Real Estate, Trends
Reading the national news about real estate can cause buyers to wait for the market to bottom out before buying. The problem is that like the stock market, when the bottom is identified, prices are already going up! The national picture does NOT hold true for local...
Jan 23, 2009 | Historic Charleston, Market Statistics, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers
South of Broad: There were 32 closings in 2008 vs. 63 in 2007. The price of the average sale was up 3% from 2007. Harleston Village: There were 9 closings in 2008 vs. 33 in 2007. The price of the average sale ($1.658 million) was up 81% from 2007. Ansonborough:...