While reading Kristin Walker’s blog last night I just thought of all the most excellent blogs out there in the internet world. What a wonderful way to meet people you would never otherwise, to learn about other places, and you can even learn about where you live. In this fast pace, quick bite (byte) world of internet communicating with Twitter, Facebook- sometimes you just want to actually read something with substance and emotion. These are a few of my favorite local bloggers/websites who feature articles about Charleston and other things as well.
Eat Well Charleston by Melissa Ohlson who is a registered dietician and all about cardiovascular health and feeding her two sons and husband healthy family meals. She shares recipes, tips, healthy choices at area restaurants and more.
The Digitel – All about Charleston- what is going on and what you should be doing. An easy to follow and eye catching format. Hip, cool and all that jazz. A little more than a blog but still. And readers can plant “seeds” and start their own stories. Truly a community site.
Read Charlie– Art, fashion, music, etc. If it’s social, if it’s happening- it’s on Charlie.
Seersucker & Stilettos – Mostly devoted to fashion and shops- great pictures and recommendations. You’ll probably find a little shop you never heard of before.
The Party Scene – This is the photo equivalent of a social calendar- but after the events have occurred. It’s just fun to look through their pictures- you always end up seeing someone you know and regretting you opted to not go to a certain event because it just looked so beautiful and fun afterthefact.
And finally….
Two Doors Down is a newly created blog by Kari Kim and Liz Ryan to share tips on living locally and simply. Although it is just starting out, it already includes some wonderful posts and promises to be one to read daily. The ladies spotlight local artisans, offer reading suggestions, recipes, organizational and decorating tips, and give some serious love to worthy local businesses. We suggest you subscribe!
How about you? What are we missing? What’s your favorite local blog?