This year, dunes properties is 30 years old and to celebrate, we’ve pledged to donate to a list of 30 charities, compiled from suggestions by our staff and agents. We’re very pleased to announce the organizations we are supporting this month for our year-long “30 for 30” anniversary celebration!
Begin With Books is the Charleston County affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which encourages literacy for underprivileged preschool children by providing monthly deliveries of free books. With our donation, we will be providing 180 books for 15 kids – that is a full year of monthly deliveries thanks to dunes properties! If you’d like to learn more about this great organization and perhaps join us in donating, visit the Begin With Books website. They also offer volunteer opportunities, so check them out!. Thanks to dunes agents Jack Hurley and Priscilla Shumway for nominating this great organization.

We’ve also challenged our entire dunes family to volunteer 30 hours this year to deserving groups making a difference. Over the past 30 days, members of our group have been involved in a charitable clothing drive, volunteered at the Lowcountry Food Bank, and registered for the Head for the Cure 5k, while raising donations for the race. We’d love to invite you to donate more this year too! Follow us on social media using #dunes30for30.