Jan 16, 2018 | Historic Charleston, History, Interesting Charleston Facts, The Best of the Lowcountry
There’s so much about Charleston we can take pride in, like its beauty, charm, and history. And speaking of history, Charleston is credited with many of our nation’s firsts, like the first museum, and first theater. Want to learn more? Here are five firsts that...
May 2, 2017 | History, Interesting Charleston Facts, Recreation, The Best of the Lowcountry
If you’re from around here, chances are you’re pretty familiar with the Charleston joggling board. But at the inaugural High Water Festival last month, there were more than few out-of-towners who found themselves wondering about the funny-looking black...
Apr 26, 2017 | Historic Charleston, History
If there is one thing that Charleston, South Carolina offers in spades, it’s their beautiful and historic churches. Commonly referred to as the “Holy City”, Charleston features some of the oldest churches in the United States, attracting millions of tourists each...
Mar 21, 2017 | Dewees Island, Folly Beach, Fun, History, Isle of Palms, Kiawah Island, Seabrook Island, Sullivan's Island
Charleston, South Carolina is one of the hottest vacation destinations in the country right now. It offers a rich background of American history, world-class dining, and unmatched beauty. While it is tempting to plan a vacation just in the historic downtown, you’re...
Feb 21, 2017 | Historic Charleston, History, The Best of the Lowcountry
If you’re a long-time Charlestonian, chances are you’ve lived in a Charleston single house at some point in your life. Many visitors have come away remembering this iconic Charleston architecture. Charleston singles are, after all, common throughout the peninsula...
Oct 23, 2016 | Events, Historic Charleston, History
In a city as old as Charleston, it is no surprise we have a few lingering spirits. Here our some of our favorite Holy City haunted tales as well as some events you can enjoy this Halloween season. 1. Old Jail One of the most popular Charleston ghost tales is of...