Jul 5, 2022 | Art, Events, Fun, Historic Charleston, History, Interesting Charleston Facts, Recreation, The Best of the Lowcountry, Vacation Planning Tools
Charleston, South Carolina is known for its year-round sunny, pleasant weather that’s great for a day spent at the beach or sightseeing around town, but the occasional rainy day does happen. As a coastal city in the south, a pop-up afternoon rain or thunderstorm in...
Oct 3, 2016 | Art, Events
Looking for some plans outside the house this fall? A simple scroll through the charlestoncvb.com calendar will render a long list of possibilities. Here are just a few of the events we’re looking forward to this season. Charleston Arts Festival | Oct. 5-8 The...
May 12, 2015 | Fun, Isle of Palms, People, Recreation, Vacation Planning Tools
It’s beach season and there is no doubt that each one of Charleston’s beaches has it’s own charm. I would say that all are worth a visit, and you can pick one that suites your mood! If you’re looking for surf and are feeling adventurous, Folly is for you. If you’re...
May 5, 2015 | Folly Beach, Fun, People
It’s beach season and there is no doubt that each one of Charleston’s beaches has it’s own charm. I would say that all are worth a visit, and you can pick one that suites your mood! If you’re looking for surf and are feeling adventurous, Folly is for you. If you’re...
Apr 29, 2015 | News, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers, West Ashley
Last night, City Council members deliberated on the proposal of a 4,500 residential development in the Bees Ferry area of West Ashley. According to William Joy of WCSC, The Long Savannah Project was approved and will cover 3,000 acres, 1,200 of which will be used for...