Looking to make a change?
Spring is in the air and temperatures are rising in the Lowcountry! We are enjoying great weather and that changes our mood for the better. We get out of doors more to play and have fun. The temperature also improves the real estate market around this time of year.
Families who have planned to move will start looking for their next home now, so that they can be moved in time for the next school year. They want their children to get acquainted with their new surroundings and meet their new neighbors. We are seeing and increase in people looking for new homes.
Getting in the game early might be your best strategy if you want the best prices and interest rates. Our area, Charleston, SC, has been identified by Moody’s as one of their top 5 areas were home prices will increase in 2010, so this is a great time to take advantage of the market before price begin to rise. Mortgage interest rates are still low, but how long that will last is anyone’s guess.
As real estate professionals,we can help you find the right combination that will put you in the neighborhood you want, in a home that meets your needs, and at a price you can afford.