Nov 8, 2010 | Agents, Isle of Palms, Market Statistics, Mortgages, News, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Trends, Wild Dunes
Good chilly morning! We have had all the rain we need, thank you! It finally cleared up here and for the next week we are going to have sunshine, blue skies and temperatures in the mid seventies. Life is pretty darn good here on the Charleston Coast. Real estate...
Oct 27, 2010 | Agents, Featured Property, Mt. Pleasant, Real Estate
Rick Fain and Kristin Walker have just listed a charming little cottage in the Old Village section of Mount Pleasant, 426 Bank Street. 426 Bank St. is a classic Old Village cottage and is a virtually new construction as almost everything is new down to the...
Oct 26, 2010 | Agents, Market Statistics, Mt. Pleasant, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Trends
I did a little research this past week on the real estate market in Mt. Pleasant and learned a couple of interesting things about the Mt. Pleasant real estate market. In the local multiple Listing Service (MLS) Mt. Pleasant real estate is in two sections; properties...
Oct 25, 2010 | Agents, Market Statistics, News, Real Estate, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Trends
I think Fall has finally made it to the south. Our windows are open, the breeze is just grand and it’s time for block parties. Life couldn’t get much better than this ( unless my husband Mark were home – he is further south playing golf at Shoal...
Sep 2, 2010 | Agents, Mortgages, News, Real Estate, The Real Estate Studio, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Trends
Is that a question you’ve asked your real estate agent? It seems this question is being asked more and more these days. While there are many factors that go into the answer to that question, one reason that is the most frequent reason is the listing price. How...
Aug 30, 2010 | Agents, Folly Beach, Historic Charleston, Isle of Palms, James Island, Kiawah Island, Mt. Pleasant, News, Real Estate, Seabrook Island, Sullivan's Island, Summerville, The Real Estate Studio, Tips for Buyers, Tips for Sellers, Wild Dunes
Keep Your Home Sale from Falling Apart After finding a buyer, all you have to do to make it to closing is to avoid these five traps. Read 5 Tips for Buying a Foreclosure Get prequalified for a loan and set aside funds, and you’ll be ready to purchase a foreclosed...