As a seller, you should have a good relationship with your listing agent. They should answer your questions in a timely manner, keep you updated on listing activity and feedback and what they are doing to sell your listing.
However, have you thought about how your listing agent answers questions from other agents representing potential buyers? Do they have the answers or try to find the answers or do they direct that agent to call someone else?
Working as part of the Dunes Properties real estate support team, I can’t begin to fathom how many times I have called for a rental history, elevation certificate, termite bond transfer information, HOA information and other items that a good listing agent will ask about to have on file, and I have been told by the listing agent who I can call to get those items. I certainly will call those other parties because everyone at Dunes is working to help our buyers, but I can’t help but feel a little bit of disappointment and question “Does their seller know they pawn off potential buyer’s questions? Why don’t want as much information as they can get for their listing file to have on hand when the inevitable questions come in?”
So when you list your property with an agent you have chosen, don’t get annoyed when they start asking questions that may send you rifling through files in search of flood and homeowners insurance policies, or HOA fees and contacts, or recent utility bills. Instead, if they do not ask you those kinds of questions, ask them why they aren’t.